Expo for Design, Innovation, & Technology, 2017
If you drove on the Gardiner or lakefront Don Valley in late September and early October, you would have seen an old soap factory plastered with slogans and something called "EDIT". This was what was inside. I had considered going but wasn't really sure what it was even about so I let it slide, until I came across some photos of the "trees in test tubes" exhibit on Instagram and thought that maybe it would be my sort of thing. Turns out it was. I went on the final day, which was great because at the end of my adventure through futuristic design potential, we all got a free meal thanks to George Brown College. You can find out more about all the amazing installations here on the website, and more photos here on flickr.
"Letters to the Mayor".
The future is awesome.
Considering "Astrocyte".
Water solutions.
Pretty in pink.
Metrolinx city transit of the future.
Hipster Godzilla.
Pressing the robot's buttons.
Old school streaming.
Informative and interesting!
Chef Bob Blumer cooking for children.
Who doesn't love a Tesla?
Discussing the expo with the alien-looking algae farm installation in the background.
"We Are The Bear"
More from Great Gulf's woody future.
Turning the lights on.
"No Lot Is Vacant"