Hebden Bridge
The lesbian capital of the UK? Or a cute place that is more than a great tagline? You decide. It's not like it's an everyday Pride parade on the streets; just a quaint place that looks like every other rural Yorkshire town in all the good ways. I did notice that there was a distinct lack of chain cafes, supermarkets, and fast food joints. It was pretty beautiful to not see a single Costa, McDonalds, or Tesco. Generally it was just nice to escape the crush of Manchester and experience West Yorkshire, even if it was only for 2 hours.
Doors of Hebden.
So many little co-operative shops like this one.
I'll admit I don't really know which waterway is the River Calder and which is the Rochdale Canal. Sometimes they're the same? Sometimes not? Maybe this is where they meet?
Okay, this is the Rochdale Canal. The locks give it away.
Not a single Starbucks in sight!
The train station. As someone who has never taken the train in the north, this was just like some sort of Downtown Abbey flashback.
Can you see the blue heron?