Scotland 2016
Never let anyone tell you not to visit Glasgow! Never let them convince you that the only place to appreciate urban Scotland is Edinburgh. We spent the Brexit referendum right by the River Clyde... and were greeted the next morning by the most sullen faces I'd seen in quite a while all over town, including a gentleman in the lift that saw our luggage and told us we were doing the right thing by getting out now. He wanted to stay in the EU too. All that said and done, here's everything that came before! Including, yeah, a day trip to Edinburgh. Next time is some time to explore the highlands and Isle of Skye which are 1000% on my bucket list.
Down by the river, a few steps from where our flat was. The Clydeport crane is no longer in use, I was told but the quay area is still very active with new industries like music, entertainment, and museums.
At the entrance of the Glasgow Necropolis. What a place, and it was perfect just before closing because there were so few people still left but the sunlight was perfect and the weather warm.
The Glasgow Cathedral has a lot of alternate names. St. Mungo's Cathedral is my favourite and has a lot of history attached to that name.
I call this Shark Fin Bridge. It's not really called that. But I liked my name better.
The Kelvingrove Museum & Art Gallery wasn't originally on our list but, being honest, there isn't all that much for a tourist to do here.
Anybody else ever watch Flight of the Navigator as a kid? I sure did. And for some reason, this place really reminds me of that spaceship, especially in sunlight. At night it's almost alien.
The Clyde Arc from the balcony of our flat. Like many things in Glasgow, it seems to have half a dozen other names like Squinty Bridge.
The central square. You may be able to see at the base of the monument there are flowers and objects. It was a memorial for Jo Cox, an English MP who supported the UK's involvement in the EU and was murdered for it.
The interior of St. Mary's Cathedral. We stumbled across this place on a walk from Dean Village to Calton Hill.
It was an impressive place. And free.
This is one of my favourite pieces of street art. St. Mungo is Glasgow's patron saint and is pictured here as he would likely look today, homeless and caring for robins. (Read more here.)
This is the Armadillo and if you saw it from the side, you'd really understand why.
Again with the multiple names, here's the National Monument of Scotland to honour soldiers & sailors. Because it wasn't meant to look like a folly, but rather an actual replica of the full Parthenon until money ran out, other names include "Scotland's Disgrace" and "The Pride and Poverty of Scotland".
Dean Village, the most picturesque part of Scotland we saw that week. The Waters of Leith run through.
The River Kelvin with the Kelvingrove hanging out in the background.
The main foyer of the Kelvingrove Museum. There is quite a bit to explore, even for people who aren't that into art. Even so, the Dali painting was quite mesmerising.
The River Clyde. Don't let anyone tell you Glasgow isn't a pretty place.
I was afforded the rare chance to see this street absent of most cars as there were roadworks being done on adjacent streets. The imposing St. Mary's takes residence at the end of the road.